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Diving Into Transcendental Meditation With David Lynch

Contrary to what his nightmarish films would have you believe, David Lynch – director of such classics as Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks – is actually a pretty chill guy, something Lynch himself credits to, of all things, transcendental meditation.  “When I first heard about meditation, I had zero interest in it,”… Keep Reading

Posted on in Culture

Diving Into Transcendental Mediation With David Lynch

Contrary to what his nightmarish films would have you believe, David Lynch – director of such classics as Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks – is actually a pretty chill guy, something Lynch himself credits to, of all things, transcendental meditation.  “When I first heard about meditation, I had zero interest in it,”… Keep Reading

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