
High Times - page 56

High Times has 1518 articles published.

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From the Archives: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1976)

If we may say that the civilized man is clever but not wise, we may say, also, that the prairie is dry but not without water. Upon the prairie there are occasional rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and flooded buffalo wallows. Like the American System itself, most of the prairie ponds and lakes are fly-by-night operations.… Keep Reading

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California Cannabis Prisoner Luke Scarmazzo Released from Federal Prison

California cannabis prisoner Luke Scarmazzo was freed from prison on Feb. 3, with help from Mission Green, a campaign led by The Weldon Project. “Today, after serving nearly 15 years in prison for operating a cannabis dispensary, I was granted my freedom,” Scarmazzo wrote on his Facebook page. “The feeling is surreal. We’ve worked toward… Keep Reading

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From the Archives: I Wish I Had Invented Sex (1978)

Well, uh, High Times called me and said they were dedicating this issue to sex or some such and that I should write some such. Since sex is one of the main activities people get high for, and since I have been asked “How does it feel to be a sex symbol?” about a thousand… Keep Reading

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Reefers by Sublime Cannabis Line Arrives with New Live Album

Two of three living members of legendary band Sublime, Bud Gaugh and Eric Wilson, vocalist Bradley Nowell’s widow Troy Nowell, and others announced the band’s line of cannabis Reefers by Sublime. The cannabis line arrives in conjunction with a new live album and double LP $5 at the Door (Live at Tressel Tavern, 1994) featuring… Keep Reading

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Seth Rogen’s ‘High-ly Creative Retreat Airbnb Begins Booking

Feel like taking your creativity level… a bit higher? Available for booking beginning this week, Seth Rogen partnered with Airbnb to unveil “A High-ly Creative Retreat,” providing a unique getaway in Los Angeles with ceramic activities. The retreat features a ceramic studio with Rogen’s own handmade pottery, a display of his cannabis and lifestyle company… Keep Reading

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Norah Jones Moves With the Flow

Throughout the Grammy-winner’s career, the genre-bending artist has collaborated with a long list of talent. Now, she’s enjoying intimate conversations with those musicians, not to mention playing songs with them during their talks. Now, the question is, how much of an introduction does Norah Jones need? She broke out with one of the highest selling albums… Keep Reading

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Fuck Transcendental Meditation, Listen to Soul Glo Instead

Until about a year and a half ago, I always said that I didn’t like “loud” music. I didn’t mind if the volume was turned up, but too much noise made me uneasy; I preferred lullaby baby music at all times of the day, or songs about fuckin’ bitches and getting money because who doesn’t… Keep Reading

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The Gang Goes to Thailand: Not THOSE Americans (Part 2)

Welcome back, friends.  It’s been a few weeks since I’ve returned to the states now, and while the details are blurring, they were never all that clear in the first place. In that spirit I’m going to run the rest of this chronologically, utilizing the handwritten notes I scribed along the way. The last part… Keep Reading

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Phil Hanley Is Taking It Easy

Phil Hanley has a laid back approach to his material, which is more self-deprecating than punching up or down at anyone. Most recently, Hanley financed and produced his latest special, “Ooh La La.” He betted on himself. It paid off and resulted in a brisk, tightly constructed 45 minutes of consistent laughs, both big and… Keep Reading

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From the Archives: The Ibogaine Factor (1995)

By Paul Derienzo Top-level federal researchers and bureaucrats, as well as grass-roots activists in drug-ravaged urban communities, have discovered ibogaine, the controversial drug that advocates tout as an “addiction interrupter” and one scientist calls a “probe into the inner workings of the human brain.” Derived from iboga, an hallucinogenic plant of the West African rainforests,… Keep Reading

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