Legendary Cannabis Advocate Eddy Lepp Passes Away 1952-2021 – 416Canna.ca

Legendary Cannabis Advocate Eddy Lepp Passes Away 1952-2021

in Culture

Another iconic representative of the cannabis community, Charles Edward “Eddy” Lepp, has passed away after a battle with cancer.

Lepp’s wife, Sandra Castaneda, posted on Facebook about the tragic news on August 16. “This morning at 2:00am my husband Charles EdwardLepp aka OG Eddy Lepp passed away in his sleep.”

On June 6, Eddy posted one of his last updates on Instagram at @OG_EddyLepp regarding the status of his health. “Hi everybody, it’s been a while since I said anything so I thought I’d shoot out a little update. I have cancer of the bone now. And it’s pretty rampant from my chest to my toes. And we’re gonna have to change therapies to try to win this battle. But uh, I got at least a couple three more months and maybe a couple years, so keep them cards and letters coming, keep buying that art…I love you all and thank you so much for giving me a reason to live.” Since the news broke of his passing, thousands of fans have been leaving notes to his memory.

Lepp served in the U.S. Army’s military intelligence unit in the Vietnam War from 1969–1972, and shortly after, became a lifelong fighter for cannabis rights.

Eddy Lepp: A True Cannabis Crusader

Lepp was one of the industry’s greatest advocates, leaving his mark as one of many who suffered in prison as a result of trying to cultivate medical cannabis and help patients get access. He owned and operated Eddy’s Medicinal Gardens and Multi-Denominational Chapel of Cannabis and Rastafari, which was raided by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials on August 18, 2004—the 17th anniversary of which is just days away.

At the time, it was considered to be one of the largest cannabis operations of its …

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Author: High Times / High Times

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