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New Hampshire Senate Passes Cannabis Legalization Bill

Medical cannabis is legal in New Hampshire, but recreational use has only been decriminalized, not legalized. However, the New Hampshire Senate recently approved of a cannabis legalized bill in a 14-9 vote on May 16, and it’s the farthest that any cannabis legalization bill has reached to date. If passed into law, House Bill 1633-FN-A… Keep Reading

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Psychedelic Drug Market Poised to Hit $4.6B by 2030

A recent report shows a steady growth in the psychedelic drug market, however the report represents a much more conservative projection compared to past reports, which have blown that projection by almost three times as much by the same year. The Guardian and peer-reviewed journals call it the “Psychedelic Rennaisance.” The psychedelic drug market is… Keep Reading

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From the Archives: Adventures in the Cannabis Trade (1999)

By Ed Rosenthal Since my early youth I had dreamed of becoming a writer and plant scientist. However, during high school and college I was drawn to other matters and studied in a totally different area. Somehow, my natural inclinations broke through. My work as a writer for HIGH TIMES has helped me live a… Keep Reading

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Travel Continues to Frustrate and Pain Medical Cannabis Patients

Medical cannabis access continues to grow across the United States. However access remains a problem for patients traveling outside their home state.  Today, 33 states and Washington, D.C. have legalized medical cannabis marketplaces and/or have similar regulations in place. July 2019 numbers from the Marijuana Policy Project estimate that just under 3.1 million patients are… Keep Reading

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