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Self-Care Sundaze

Dedicated to my imaginary friends Hoppy Soppy and Monster Scooter. My therapist Peter-Tuesdays-At-Noon (and sometimes Peter-Fridays-At-Nine) said I need a healthier work/life balance. He suggested taking Sundays off, and doing whatever I want. I asked him, “Could I write about it?”  He said, “That’s work.”  I said, “No, it’s fun.”  He said, “If you must.”… Keep Reading

Posted on in Culture

Coffee, Cannabis & Color in Colombia

Ignoring warnings from my family and that internal fear monster informed by nothing more than movies about narcotraficantes, I board the plane for an adventure in Colombia. From the moment I see Santi’s welcoming smile as I wheel out of the baggage area, I feel my anxiety dissipating. This is going to be an amazing… Keep Reading

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