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Psychedelic Research Proves Rather Tricky for the FDA

As it turns out, researching the efficacy of MDMA to treat PTSD may be pretty complicated. The initial efforts to secure governmental sanction for a psychedelic substance for mental health care, in this case, MDMA, are facing some serious scrutiny over the clinical trial process, the Washington Post reports.  MDMA has long been lauded as… Keep Reading

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Mark of the Leaf

Take a good look around, and you’ll be hard-pressed to escape those pretty bastards out there relishing in the buzz that has, over the past two decades or so, made getting tattooed socially acceptable for upstanding law-abiding members of society. Everyone from fat-cat, corporate executives to police officers—you know, the so-called pillars of the community—are… Keep Reading

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From the Archives: “I Want to Be Alone” (1976)

By David Rensin “Life is pretty dull if we have no surprises.” – Dr. John C. Lilly “Me? I love tanks.” – General George Patton The mouth of the tank lay open before me. Naked and expectant. I stepped into the warm salty water. I stretched out as the lid was fixed behind me, and… Keep Reading

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