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Two Exhibits in Colorado Feature Art Inspired by Mushrooms, Cannabis

Two new exhibits recently opened up in Denver, Colorado exploring themes surrounding magic mushrooms and cannabis. The first exhibit is “Mycolandia,” which opened at the Dateline Gallery in Denver, Colorado on June 7 and will remain open through June 23. “MYCOLANDIA celebrates Mycology in general exploring the evolution of edible fungi and its symbiotic relationship… Keep Reading

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Thailand Prime Minister Aims To Re-List Cannabis as Narcotic By End of 2024

Looking back to early 2023, Thailand’s climate surrounding cannabis looked incredibly different than conversations surrounding the plant today. The country made major waves after becoming the first country in Southeast Asia to allow medical cannabis use in 2018, and it received global attention after decriminalizing recreational cannabis in 2022. Though, the events that followed —… Keep Reading

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Chronic Pot Use Has Minimal Effect on Motivation, Study Shows

We’re abundantly familiar with the stereotypes surrounding cannabis use that still prevail in today’s world, namely tropes embraced over the years in the media and among anti-reform advocates deeming that regular cannabis use makes people lazy and unproductive. As cannabis use is becoming increasingly more common, many regular consumers will attest that this broad assumption… Keep Reading

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