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COVID Long-Hauler’s Symptoms Significantly Improved with Psilocybin, MDMA

A 41-year-old woman in a case study reported remarkable improvements of longhauler’s symptoms after taking psilocybin and MDMA-assisted therapy sessions. A case report, “Long-COVID symptoms improved after MDMA and psilocybin therapy: A case report,” was published May 24 in the journal Clinical Case Reports. The woman in the case study was healthy before contracting COVID-19… Keep Reading

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Study: ‘Little Evidence’ That Cannabis Harmfully Impacts Cognition in People with HIV

Cannabis is widely used to help mitigate the symptoms of a variety of conditions and diseases. Specifically, a number of state medical cannabis programs list HIV/AIDS as a qualifying condition, as cannabis can help to eliminate a variety of symptoms associated with HIV/AIDS treatment. Though, some clinicians have expressed concern how regular cannabis treatments in… Keep Reading

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