Jon’s Stone-Cold Cop List #29: Hall of PuffCon Glory

in Culture

We’re less than halfway through October but boy has it been a banger already, so we’re stacking this one extra fat to catch up on all the action. I feel like I’m constantly saying to myself ‘that was only last week’ after talking about things that seemed to have happened months ago, and I don’t want to let any flame slip through the gaps. Although I’m still going to do our normal collection at the end of the month, there was a TON of heat across Puffcon and Hall of Flowers, and a special edition was warranted, so let’s get into it.

First off, Puffcon was a blast. I really believe this is the best event doing it right now. While I tried to go incognito to this one and trip out off the radar, this event is so packed with homies that I couldn’t walk 5 feet without running into one of the gang. Not to mention all the vendors and entertainers that come out for Puffco’s flagship celebration are incredible, so the whole event feels like the best sort of family reunion. In fact, given how quickly everything is happening right now it feels weird to think that that was only the second one – it could’ve been a ten year reunion. I hear rumblings they’re going to go even bigger for the next one, so if you’ve been sleeping so far please hear me: not all events are made the same, and you will likely be far less stoked on the half-assed happenings around town once you see what’s possible. Once again, shouts to Puffco for making it all happen.

Returning to Santa Rosa, Hall of Flowers was once again the massive brand show-out you’d expect. …

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Author: Jon Cappetta / High Times

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