
High Times - page 139

High Times has 1518 articles published.

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Groove To The Reissue Of A 1976 Electronic Music Album For Plants

Earlier this year, offbeat music freaks were delighted with the re-release of Mother Earth’s Plantasia, an utterly weird yet endearing electronic music album for plants, originally issued as a free vinyl giveaway for mattress shoppers and green thumbs alike. Now, on September 7, the Getty Center in Los Angeles is hosting an entire day inspired… Keep Reading

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High Times Greats: Werner Herzog’s Strange Visions

Werner Herzog has the mind of a mystic and the soul of an eternal dreamer. In this 1985 High Times article by Robert Seidenberg, Germany’s leading avant-garde director talks about the noble loner, the destruction wrought by Western civilization and why “films are more important than life.” They were ready to play ball. The sides… Keep Reading

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Cannabis Fashion Comes to New York Fashion Week

With some of the country’s harshest marijuana laws, Arkansas would seem to be far from an ideal location for cutting edge cannabis-related projects. The state is also not among the places that first come to mind when you think of a home base for a fashion innovator. But it is both for Little Rock-based fashion… Keep Reading

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Kent State University Press Issues Definitive Photography Book On 1970 Shootings

Featuring nearly 150 black-and-white photographs, Moments of Truth: A Photographer’s Experience of Kent State 1970 chronicles the Kent State massacre of May 4, 1970, as seen through the eyes (and lens) of photographer Howard Ruffner. Nearly 50 years ago, a group of unarmed students at Ohio’s Kent State University peacefully protested America’s bombing of Cambodia.… Keep Reading

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What’s in Your Stash? Philip Andrews, Founder & CEO of Tree Trunk Studio

Philip Andrews’ love of woodworking is a family tradition, passed down through generations from his grandfather, Gerry Oorthuis, who, with his uncle, migrated from the Netherlands via a labor camp in Hamburg, Germany after World War II.  “My grandfather learned woodworking from his brother, Henk – a renowned violin and harp maker,” he shared. “My… Keep Reading

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The Life And Career Of Late Left-Wing Texas Journalist, Molly Ivins

A nationally-syndicated political columnist and author of seven books, Molly Ivins was a pickup-driving, beer-swigging Texan with a foul mouth who just so happened to be a liberal. Raise Hell: The Life and Times Of Molly Irvins is a new documentary that tells the story of the prescient woman who chronicled the country’s political trajectory… Keep Reading

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High Times Greats: Interview With R. Crumb

August 30 is R. Crumb’s 76th birthday. To celebrate, we’ve dug up this rare, exclusive interview with the famous artist from the November, 1977 issue of High Times, which R. Crumb rendered for us in the form of—what else?—a comic strip. Robert Crumb has changed America. He and his underground cartoonist colleagues transformed a minor… Keep Reading

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Flashback Friday: Jimsonweed, The World’s Worst Dope

In this edition of Flashback Friday, writer Steve Block outlines all the reasons why everyone should avoid jimsonweed. Originally published in the December, 1975 issue of High Times. The search for exotic highs is like the temptation to bet on “propositions”: of course, you know who won the World Series in 1936, how to sing… Keep Reading

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