High Folks: Cyo Nystrom Wants to Change The Way The World Feels About Vaginal Health

in Culture

Vaginal health, weed, and sex are three of Cyo Nystrom’s favorite things. As one of the co-founders of Quim, “a self-care line for humans with vaginas and humans without vaginas who love vaginas,” Nystrom’s focus is disrupting western cultures archaic and patriarchal perception of women and their vaginas through cannabis. For years, Nystrom had been at war with her vagina because of constant UTI’s and yeast infections. When she started doing research and experimenting with different herbal remedies, she found out that herbs and oils like tea tree, damiana, apricot, and hemp could be used to calm unhappy vaginas.

“I started experiencing vaginal health issues when I was about seventeen,” shared Nystrom with High Times. “I got my first UTI the week after I lost my virginity. I [also] played competitive water polo in high school, so I spent a lot of time in a wet bathing suit.”  

The pain and inflammation of the UTI’s and yeast infection were worsened by the antibiotics—prescribed and over-the-counter—she used. The ingredients in the antibiotics created an endless cycle of infection because they were wiping her body clear of all the good bacteria that prevent vaginal pH disruption. Nystrom would use products like MONISTAT, but the formula was too drying and she would have to use a lube for added moisture.

“Am I being pubished by God for having premarital sex,” questioned Nystrom. Instead of waiting for the Universe to send her answers, she began doing her own research. She discovered that a lot of the lubes like KY use glycerin. When Glycerin, a byproduct of sugar, is used for fungal infections it feeds the bacteria, which causes more harm than good. Nystrom started exploring the weirdest corners of the internet and trying out different remedies like putting …

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Author: Lyneisha Watson / High Times

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