Jon’s Stone-Cold Cop List: The 4/20 Special

in Culture

The Cop List is back in print, baby! If you’ve been paying attention to our coverage online you probably already know what this is. I’ve done about 35 of these collections so far, profiling the best of the best new products I’ve found from across the globe. I can’t let the gang get duped by fancy marketing, so we’re out in the streets digging through the nonsense so you don’t have to. Over 350 products have been added to this collection so far, which is admittedly a lot, but things keep getting better so I’m not slowing down. Thanks for joining me on this journey!

Now, while there’s typically a heavy focus on THC goods, in the spirit of our favorite holiday I wanted to compile a collection of my favorite gear so that all of you reading can take your own sesh to the next level of convenience this year. It’s a list that will help you get the most out of that precious material you’ve likely already picked out for the special day. As such, this list leans heavily into the hardware that’s made my rituals all that much more zen recently, from the ease of production to the ease of consumption. I hope they help elevate your rituals as well, and that you reach a new level of highness in celebration of the lord’s holiest day, 4/20. If not, you can always try again the next day. Or the next. 4/22 is 4/20, too. Basically. It’s just a day. There are no real rules.

Anyway, always feel free to reach out on Instagram or Twitter to let me know what you liked, what you didn’t, and your own must-haves! So many of these selections have come from readers …

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Author: Jon Cappetta / High Times

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