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High Five: Five Health Organizations that Support Cannabis Research

American Cancer Society Cancer is a beast that comes in many forms and often requires multiple strategies to overcome, including medical cannabis. The American Cancer Society (ACS) has supported medical cannabis research since the 1990s. The organization officially supported California’s Senate Bill 535 in 1997, for instance, which focused on medical cannabis research. SB 535… Keep Reading

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Cannabis Use Linked to Lower Rates of Prostate Cancer, Study Shows

Cannabis each day keeps prostate cancer away: Prostate cancer (PC) prevalence was lower in both current and former cannabis users compared to non-users in a recent study. Alternative medicines are needed. In the United States, one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime—the most common non-skin cancer form. For this… Keep Reading

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What’s in Your Stash? Sharon Letts, Producer, and Writer

“I identified as a stoner from the 70s for decades, until I presented with cancer in my 50s; now I’m an Educated Stoner.” – Sharon Letts The first time I smoked weed was in 1975. I was 16 years old and on my way to high school, stopping in at a gas station bathroom, when… Keep Reading

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