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Living Off the Land

The tale of Canna Country Farms is one of a multigenerational survivor from Humboldt County, California. Ted Blair, Canna Country’s owner and an award-winning third-generation cannabis farmer, considers the operation a model full-sun garden representing the best “the hill” has to offer. The farm’s geographical location helps, as being in the right location in The… Keep Reading

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Intentional Medicine

Entering the gardens of Sun Roots Farm in Covelo in Mendocino County is like entering a botanical fever dream. Giant purple cannabis plants rule instead of humans, and weed flowers the size of buildings sway under the weight of their own colas. Below their sticky canopy, medicinal and edible companion plants twist, bloom, and communicate… Keep Reading

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Afroman’s Ohio Residence Raided by Local Law Enforcement

Afroman recently shared that his home in Ohio was raided on Aug. 21 by the Adams County Sheriff’s Office. Although he was in Chicago at the time of the raid, his neighbors told him about what was going on. He also shared multiple security footage videos on Instagram showing law enforcement searching various areas of… Keep Reading

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Psychedelic Advocate Facing Charges Calls for Help, Law Reform in New York

Friday, June 10, psychedelic advocate Aaron Genuth was arrested in Ulster County by New York State Police officers. He is facing serious charges for allegedly possessing several psychedelics including LSD, MDMA, ketamine, and psilocybin. Genuth is calling upon the psychedelic community for help. Genuth’s vehicle was impounded, and beyond the severe charges he’s facing, he… Keep Reading

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Real Life Situations: The Allure of FELT

Deep in the entrails of Miami-Dade County, two relatively unknown individuals are working harder and dropping better clothes than most high-end designer brands. I am by no means a fashion or streetwear guy (writers can’t afford to dress nice, trust me) but I’ve been obsessed with FELT since it first crossed my Twitter feed in… Keep Reading

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Higher Profile: Ireland’s Martin Condon

Longtime Cork County, Ireland, cannabis activist, husband and father of two, Martin Condon, has been leading campaigns to bring an end to cannabis prohibition. Condon has done so by actively engaging in civil disobedience and organizing public demonstrations for the past 12 years, which have been continuing in Ireland for the past 20 years. He’s… Keep Reading

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Higher Profile: Ireland’s Michael Condon

Longtime Cork County, Ireland, cannabis activist, husband and father of two, Michael Condon, has been leading campaigns to bring an end to cannabis prohibition. Condon has done so by actively engaging in civil disobedience and organizing public demonstrations for the past 12 years, which have been continuing in Ireland for the past 20 years. He’s… Keep Reading

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