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WTF, Florida!

I’m a full Florida native, having been born and raised in Tampa before adventuring outside this state. When I was a younger stoner I remember visiting an “arcade” that was really just a discreet room in a shopping strip mall stacked with underground vendors – jars of edibles, mushrooms, and ounces of weed…it was the… Keep Reading

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My Sobriety Hall Pass List: Hunter Biden for President

Ladies and gentlemen I’m proud and brutally disgruntled to say that I’m just over six months clean and sober (yes this includes weed) after over 12 years of doing drugs. Hold your applause, please. I’m happy about it and shit but I didn’t ever want to come to this. I love drugs like a fat… Keep Reading

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From the Archives: Bushwick Bill for President (1996)

“I’m the biggest, toughest little brother you know,” raps Bushwick Bill on “Who’s the Biggest” from his latest album, Phantom of the Rapra. At 4′ 2″ tall, Bill has survived the ghettoes of Jamaica’s Trench Town, Brooklyn and Houston’s notorious Fifth Ward, as well as the barbs of everyone from David Geffen—who refused to release… Keep Reading

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Very Nice People

Just outside the doors of Mike D’s coastal home, I’m greeted by Skylar Diamond, the Beastie Boy’s youngest son, and am instantly struck by his good manners. Kind, talkative and charismatic, Skylar looks like any other Malibu surf kid—except he’s a spitting image of his dad’s younger self. As we chat about soccer (I mean,… Keep Reading

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From the Archives: Scoring in Los Angeles (1979)

By Victor Bockris I like to get what I need in the place I’m visiting, because scoring adds another dimension to the trip. I presumed it would be easy in L.A., but the first thing “Clarissa” said when I arrived at the airport was, “I hope you brought some of that good New York coke.”… Keep Reading

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Weed Wellness

At the auspicious time of 4:20 p.m. on April 20, 2023 I’m in a state of supreme zen, floating on my back within a mineral pool heated by underground hot springs to 85° F. With my shades pointed upwards at the warm springtime sun, I feel absolutely euphoric as tension dissolves from my body. It’s… Keep Reading

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A Healthy Cigarette

Sometimes I wonder how many of the people I know have ever killed someone. I’m not talking about murder. I mean, how many of them have run someone over, or left a baby in a car, or accidentally given Grandma the wrong medication. It must be a big number. After all, heaps of people die… Keep Reading

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A Pseudo-Scientific Analysis of Why Rec Weed Sucks

I’m not here to talk about any specific brand or any specific strain, but in my capacity as a journalist, I have been tasked with truth-telling and to tell you the truth: I have been extremely disappointed with the lack of quality in the California rec cannabis market as of late. We’ve all heard the… Keep Reading

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The Gang Goes to Thailand: Learning the Thai Way (Part 3)

Alright, now that the lovey holiday’s over & I’m not ruining anyone’s relationship, let’s get into the weird. I’m treading lightly here, but this is the best shot I can take at explaining the vibrant subcultures of a foreign world while still respecting our domestic political-correctness. Please don’t cancel me. Nana Plaza I’ll admit up… Keep Reading

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Jon’s Stone-Cold Cop List #33: A New Year of Flame

I’m so glad January is almost over. The winter days kind of gel together into this endless cold and gloomy haze that’s just miserable. It simultaneously feels like it’s both the first day of the month, and the six hundredth, and I never feel warm, like, inside, ya know? And I’m reporting from Los Angeles,… Keep Reading

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