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Michigan Pot Market Surpasses California in Sales Volume

Michigan has overtaken California as the largest cannabis market in the U.S., at least in terms of sales volume, according to data collected by multiple market intelligence firms. Both firms show Michigan surpassing California over the winter in cannabis product units sold. Sales volume is the total number of units sold by a business over… Keep Reading

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Betting on Yourself – Parlay LA

The regulated cannabis market has come a long way from its illicit roots, but the formula to succeed in this game has never really changed for anyone paying close enough attention. I say this with particular regard to two factors: financing and company focus. In my humble opinion as a man who has spent most… Keep Reading

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Psychedelic Drug Market Poised to Hit $4.6B by 2030

A recent report shows a steady growth in the psychedelic drug market, however the report represents a much more conservative projection compared to past reports, which have blown that projection by almost three times as much by the same year. The Guardian and peer-reviewed journals call it the “Psychedelic Rennaisance.” The psychedelic drug market is… Keep Reading

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The High Times 100 of 2021

Welcoming back the High Times 100—our celebration of the top market movers and culture creators in the cannabis space. Although we took a brief hiatus while the world shut down amid COVID-19, we’re back this year with a vastly different landscape. Enter 2022, and there are more public companies than ever. It was difficult to… Keep Reading

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Headset Projects 4/20 Cannabis Sales to Increase by 100% in 2022

Data and market intelligence company Headset released a report on March 15, entitled “Understanding 4/20 cannabis holiday & consumer purchasing trends,” which projects that 2022 will be one of the biggest holidays yet for cannabis sales. The data is collected by Headset’s own software, which examines real-time sales from participating retailers. “April 20 has been… Keep Reading

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Josh Kesselman of Raw Rolling Papers: The High Times Interview

Early on, Josh Kesselman sensed a void in the rolling-paper market. The former smoke-shop owner and collector of papers realized there wasn’t a truly natural option for consumers. In 2005, Kesselmam founded Raw, an all-natural “vegan” rolling paper. Under his guidance, Raw has become one of the most recognized and trusted rolling-paper brands in the… Keep Reading

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Women Are The Best Trend In Cannabis: Our Video Of The Week!

Video: The Rise of Women Creator: Green Market Report Description: The 2018 Cannabis Trend Report from Axiswire looks at the number of women leading the way in the cannabis industry. It surpasses any other industry and brings a wealth of opportunity for female entrepreneurs. As the saying goes: The future is female. If that’s the case–the cannabis… Keep Reading

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