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FDA Flags Infused Chocolate Bars, Says They Cause Seizures

Not all edibles hit the same. Diamond Shruumz chocolate bars are infused with hemp-derived CBD and delta-8, but whatever they’re putting in them is making people sick, according to an alert from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA issued an alert on June 7, warning people not to eat the chocolate bars.… Keep Reading

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100 Gecs Are On A Vibe

Dylan Brady and Laura Les are on the same wavelength. Despite existing in separate envi­ronments for most of their musical journeys, the experimental duo comprising 100 Gecs is able to stay connected through their music. As is the case for their second studio album 10,000 Gecs due out later this year, Brady and Les remain… Keep Reading

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The High Priestess: A Stoner’s Guide to Capricorn Season

It’s a new year, but that doesn’t mean we’re not the same stoners or weed witches we’ve always been! We’re starting this New Year and new decade with our hooves firmly planted and our joints, edibles, and bongs in hand as we focus our vision on Capricorn season, which lasts until January 21st.  Each sign… Keep Reading

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