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Shake ‘Em Up

There’s a scene in Ice Cube’s cult classic film Friday (1995) when Smokey—played by Chris Tucker—says to Cube, “I’m gonna get you high today because it’s Friday. You ain’t got no job, and you ain’t got shit to do,” a line forever burned into pop culture’s ’90s lexicon. Although Cube had previously appeared in movies… Keep Reading

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Beastie Mode

Mix Master Mike shot the intro scene to the Beastie Boys’s “Three MCs and One DJ” video 10 times over the course of eight hours in 1998. He would begin by walking from a coffee shop in New York City to the Beastie Boys’s “secret” rehearsal space—which he says was “basically a dungeon”—wearing a Ghostbusters… Keep Reading

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Bobby Shmurda: Sneaker Store Smokeout

Let’s set the scene. It’s Brooklyn in 2014 and here comes Bobby Shmurda and GS9 with a song called “Hot N——“ that the streets are going absolutely bonkers over, no matter what corner you turn. It seemed like only moments later there was Beyoncé on stage hitting the Shmoney dance.  The music video was an… Keep Reading

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Off to See the Wizard of Trees

If you’ve paid any attention to what’s happening in the California cannabis scene over the past few years, you’ve likely already heard of Wizard Trees. Hell, you don’t even have to be in California to have heard the good word. Known for growing some of the most popular strains of recent years, like RS-11, notably… Keep Reading

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From the Archives: Sex and the Stoner (2001)

By Dan Skye Remember that scene from the movie Annie Hall? Diane Keaton and Woody Allen start to get romantic, but she puts a momentary hold on things so she can smoke some pot in order to more fully enjoy the experience? She can’t get into it without the weed. Woody protests. “Grass. The illusion… Keep Reading

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Brand Spotlight: The Bulldog

Those who have ventured to Amsterdam’s cannabis scene at any point in the last half century have probably encountered one of the most emblematic companies in the 50-year-old, strange, half-legal industry in Holland that is now on its way to revolutionizing the entire conversation, globally.  Namely, The Bulldog “coffeeshop.” The Bulldog has almost certainly been… Keep Reading

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Kontusion on Metal, Hardcore, and Tripping in the Woods

New, old-school band Kontusion is no stranger to the scene. Guitarist/vocalist Mark Bronzino is an underground, hardcore-punk pioneer from New Jersey who played in a slew of bigger metal bands—Mammoth Grinder and Iron Reagan, just to name a couple. He’s even collaborated with underground hip-hop weirdo Ghostemane. In the early pandemic days of 2020, he… Keep Reading

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