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Study: ‘Little Evidence’ That Cannabis Harmfully Impacts Cognition in People with HIV

Cannabis is widely used to help mitigate the symptoms of a variety of conditions and diseases. Specifically, a number of state medical cannabis programs list HIV/AIDS as a qualifying condition, as cannabis can help to eliminate a variety of symptoms associated with HIV/AIDS treatment. Though, some clinicians have expressed concern how regular cannabis treatments in… Keep Reading

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Jon’s Stone-Cold Cop List #38: Y’ALL LOVE FLOWERS?

Hall of Flowers felt a little different this year. Widely regarded as the flagship trade show for the industry at this point, this was the first year that HOF felt a little BizCon-y, and I mean that in the absolute nicest way possible. With less flower than ever on display, and less rooms to view… Keep Reading

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Keith Haring Remembered in Glass Art Collection

Social activism was built into the art of Keith Haring—one of the most widely recognized modern artists of our time. From promoting AIDS awareness to being vocally against apartheid and other issues, Haring’s art nearly always carried a message. Haring rose from “street art”—courteously drawing with chalk instead of paint on New York subway cars,… Keep Reading

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