Advocates in Nebraska Still Need Signatures for Medical Cannabis Initiative

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The deadline for ballot initiatives to submit valid signatures is rapidly approaching, and the advocacy group Nebraska for Medical Marijuana (NMM) is requesting help from supporters to obtain the signatures for their initiative to pass.

NMM campaign manager Crista Eggers recently sent out an email asking for help on June 6. 

“There is no doubt we are farther ahead than in past petition drives, but still have a tremendous push to gather over 30,000 signatures on each petition over the next 27 days to assure we are successful,” Eggers said.

Eggers has spent numerous years advocating for medical cannabis legalization. Her son has suffered from epileptic seizures since he was two years old, and she saw the relief and benefits that medical cannabis offered to him in comparison to pharmaceutical medicines. “There is no doubt Nebraskans want to see this on the ballot, so we need them to step up and help make that happen,” Eggers said. “My personal ask, not as a campaign manager, but as a mother, is that people would react as if their child’s life depends on it and go sign; because for many of us, our child’s life really does depend on it.”

By July 3, NMM’s initiative must be submitted with signatures from 7% of voters. Additionally, the signatures must be collected from voters in at least 38 counties throughout the state (which has a total of 93 counties).  “We made the counties our main focus because they require a great deal of time and resources that cannot wait until the last minute,” Eggers said. “We have the counties, but we have an urgent need to collect bulk signatures.” At least 87,000 signatures would need to be verified by the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office before being approved to appear on the ballot.

NMM recently shared on social …

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Author: Nicole Potter / High Times

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