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A Day in the Life of a Weed Journalist

I’ve been freelancing for over a decade now. While it feels like a long time, it equally feels like a blur of events, achievements, and tons of busy days. In 2011, I started covering films, then moved into electronic music. In 2017, I parlayed my years-long love of getting high into freelance weed reporting, interviews,… Keep Reading

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The Perfect Pairings: Cannabis Dining Is a Night To Remember

While the cannabis industry continues to grow and more markets cultivate their medical and/or recreational programs, it has served to foster vast amounts of creativity and innovation throughout all facets of the industry. Edibles in particular are a growing category of interest in the U.S., with a value of $9.6 billion in 2023, and the… Keep Reading

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Hidden in Plain View

While all subcultures are expansive, few are as colorful and unique as graffiti. No matter where in the world you may be, we’ve all got at least one thing in common: there’s someone in your city absolutely obsessed with writing their name on things as large and as high up as possible. Now, most locales… Keep Reading

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Reclaiming Knowledge with New Rituals

Learning about cannabis for the first time can be daunting. While canna-curious consumers can scour the internet in search of general tips on how to start using cannabis, nothing really beats hands-on guidance from a trusted source. Which is why Lexi Kafkis created New Rituals as an essential resource for new consumers, where she acts… Keep Reading

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Cannabeginners: How to Legally Use Cannabis in France

While world-renowned hashmaker Frenchy Cannoli may have been a true cannabis evangelist, educating the masses on how to make high quality hash, unfortunately, the country he hailed from, France, has very different views of cannabis. Seeing how restrictive French laws on cannabis have been until very recently, it is no wonder that Frenchy left his… Keep Reading

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The Cannabis Guide to Injectables

While many cannabis users embrace signs of aging and effortlessly transform into beautiful crones as they get older, some of us, such as myself, are vain. We enjoy that through technology, such as injectables, we can look better in our 30s than in our 20s. While topicals such as eye creams, including those with CBD,… Keep Reading

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The Gang Goes to Thailand: Not THOSE Americans (Part 2)

Welcome back, friends.  It’s been a few weeks since I’ve returned to the states now, and while the details are blurring, they were never all that clear in the first place. In that spirit I’m going to run the rest of this chronologically, utilizing the handwritten notes I scribed along the way. The last part… Keep Reading

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Getting High With Griselda

Once upon a time in 2016, I received a call from DJ Green Lantern. While Green and I talk quite frequently, rather than speaking in his usual unenergetic tone, there was a touch of excitement in his voice this time. He went on to tell me about an artist named Westside Gunn with a crew… Keep Reading

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