Flashback Friday: Everything You Wanted To Know About Quaaludes

in Culture

Before Bill Cosby admitted to drugging women with quaaludes and allergy meds, quaaludes were a staple of the American recreational drug scene, one that “everyone remembers fondly.” It’s even been called an “icon of the 1970s,” before it was discontinued in 1985—in part because of its widespread illegal recreational use. In the October, 1980 issue…

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High Times Greats: Interview With Marianne Faithfull

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To celebrate Marianne Faithfull’s birthday December 29, we’re republishing a piece from October, 1980 in which she sat down with interviewer Ann Bardach to discuss a new album, a fresh sense of what she’d been through, and the balls to tell it like it really was. Marianne Faithfull slouches in her hotel bed, nursing a…

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The High Priestess: Leaning into the Grounding Powers of Cannabis for Capricorn Season

in Culture

The nights are looming, the days are gloomy and the wheel of the year continues to turn, leading us into the darkest part of the year.  On December 21st, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere were greeted with the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year and the first official day of winter.…

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High Times Greats: A Christmas Story – Which Real Meaning?

in Culture

For an article in the December, 1979 edition of High Times, late, great counterculture correspondent Glenn O’Brien examined the connections between Santa Claus and a specific kind of psychedelic mushroom known as the fly agaric, aka the toadstool that conquered the universe. In fact, the existence of Santa could be related to a shaman in…

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The Delic, The “First Psychedelic Wellness Corporation”, Is The New Coolest Thing

in Culture

Cannabis executive Jackee Stang is a proselytizer of what she calls “the new psychedelic renaissance”. She seems mildly surprised when asked to explain what that is.  “Wow — well, I live in California, so on the West Coast we might be a little biased,” she allows. But then she starts to reel off a list…

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High Times Greats: A Christmas Carol By Truman Capote As Told To Andy Warhol

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In the “Opinion” section of the December, 1978 edition of High Times, famed writer Truman Capote (1924 – 1984) chats with art-world legend Andy Warhol (1928 – 1987) about what they want for Christmas. Merry Christmas… AW: So do you know what you want for Xmas? TC: Well, first of all, I don’t want anything…

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Flashback Friday: An Xmas Meditation, The Flabellum Of Destiny

in Culture

Writer Glenn O’Brien (1947 – 2017) tries to explain the purpose of a strange object in the December, 1979 issue of High Times magazine. There are a lot of beautiful views in Manhattan, but few are more imposing than that from the Cloisters, where, standing in a 15th-century archway transported from Italy, one can gaze…

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What’s in Your Stash? TROG: The Art of the Stash

in Culture

Prolific Australian psychedelic artist, TROG and his work have become synonymous with weed culture. You may have spotted him at any number of cannabis events around the world, working in real time on one of his paintings. Word has it if you collect psychedelic art, TROG’s work is a must-have, with Vice Magazine showering him…

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When An Opera Is Just As Trippy As Any Psychedelic

in Culture

If you’re a regular reader of High Times, you know that we don’t usually cover operas. We do, however, have 45 years’ experience covering psychedelics and the counterculture at large, so when we were presented with the opportunity to view a breakthrough staging of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s legendary opera, The Magic Flute, we took it…

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Cali P Discusses Video Release For “People Want More”

in Culture

“What I wanted to make sure of with ‘People Want More’ was that me, as a ganja lover — and I would say as a cannabis activist and revolutionary — I really love to sing ganja songs, but I have a lot already,” says Cali P.  “For me, the main point in this song was…

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