Sensi Vapes Founder Tara Jane Forrest On Sustainability and Diversity

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2017 was a tough year for Tara Jane Forrest. She’d suffered a terrible accident that literally broke her back, resulting in a complete separation of the L4, L5 and S1 vertebrae in her lower back that also caused her to lose all feeling in her left leg. The only option on the table was major…

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What’s in Your Stash? The Mommy Jane™ aka Jessica Gonzales

in Culture

As a young mother, Jessica Gonzales left behind 13 years of an alcohol and Vicodin-induced haze, using cannabis to create a healthier lifestyle for herself and her family. She lost 100 pounds in the process, and instinctively knew that cannabis helped her be a better wife, mother, and human being. Inspired to reach out and…

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The High Priestess: A Stoner’s Guide to Gemini Season

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It’s as summer shimmers like a mirage, teasing in the distance, that we enter the domain of Gemini. A flourishing frenzy of inspiration and transformation, this air sign season lasts from May 21st to June 21st and is one that asks us to embrace all aspects of ourselves, all of our dualities and polarities with…

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What’s in Your Stash? Beverly Soucy, Owner of Western Mountain Moss & Apothecary

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In 2012, at the age of 52, Beverly Soucy had scheduled her first mammogram ever, then presented with a persistent pneumonia, having to cancel and reschedule the procedure twice. “My instincts told me something was wrong, but I was thinking I was in for a heart attack or something – I never dreamed it would…

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Woodstock Wasn’t The Beginning: A Brief History of Music Festivals

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Humans are born alone, but we get together to listen to music and party. You might even say that the history of humans is the history of music and festivals. Parties have been popping long before Coachella’s lineup was announced because we’re social creatures and even the most introverted people still get FOMO. Throughout history,…

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Eric Wilson Does It For The Love of Music

in Culture

Jurassic Park. That was my initial thought sitting down with Eric Wilson in his massive backyard. It’s an expansive landscape of mountain rocks, avocado trees and bronze dinosaur statues. A padded chair sits empty across from a wooden bench, on which Eric sits with Melvin, his playful Rottweiler. Eric is in fantastic spirits, not at…

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High Folks: Zoey Bullock Is Using Cannabis To Rewrite The Music of Her Life

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“I was melting through the floor as I gasped for what felt like my last breath,” reads an excerpt from Zoey Bullock’s journal that she shared in an email. Over the phone, she agreed to share some of her journal entries with me. She says she usually doesn’t talk about what happened and up until…

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From Opioids to Organic Farming: Danny Murr-Sloat, Co-Founder of AlpinStash

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In 2003, when Colorado craft cannabis farmer Danny Sloat was 21 years old, he woke up with terrible stomach pains that landed him in the hospital for four days and no diagnosis. “They gave me Vicodin,” he shared. “That was in September, and by June of the next year I was needing time-released patches at…

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What’s in Your Stash? Jessica Cadmus, Founder & Creator of Rogue Paq

in Culture

Jessica Cadmus grew up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The third of ten children, she learned a solid work ethic early, cleaning the office building her father managed at the tender age of seven alongside two older brothers who were eight and 10. “My father is a beautiful human being,” she shared. “With a family of 12,…

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