Josh Kesselman of Raw Rolling Papers: The High Times Interview

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Early on, Josh Kesselman sensed a void in the rolling-paper market. The former smoke-shop owner and collector of papers realized there wasn’t a truly natural option for consumers. In 2005, Kesselmam founded Raw, an all-natural “vegan” rolling paper. Under his guidance, Raw has become one of the most recognized and trusted rolling-paper brands in the…

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High Times Greats: Ken Kesey On Pot

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Ken Kesey (1935-2001) wrote One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and is a subject in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe. To celebrate his birthday, we’ve unearthed this piece originally published in the May, 1994 issue of High Times. A couple years back, a woman from East Germany came by the farm. She…

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Mindful Education: Uwe Blesching’s Thoughtful Look at the Plant

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Author Uwe Blesching would like to be part of the solution in finally ending the failed War on Drugs, via education, science, and mindfulness. His literary contributions include, Breaking the Cycle of Opioid Addiction, Supplement Your Pain Management with Cannabis (July 2018); The Cannabis Health Index: Combining the Science of Medical Marijuana with Mindfulness Techniques…

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The Cultural History Of Tattoos, Explained

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These days, it seems like tattoos are everywhere, but the question remains: where exactly did they come from, and how did they get to where they are today? Tattoo Uprising is a new feature-length documentary that sets out to answer that question. Like a collection of tattoos on a person’s body, the film is patchwork…

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Comedian and Voice Actor Adam Ray Has No Fear

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Adam Ray does it all. When we connect by phone, he’s in between cities, eager to discuss all that’s been happening in his insane life. He has a new album out – Read the Room, he’s the voice of ‘Swift Wind’ on the new season of “She-Ra” on Netflix, and he’s voicing one of the…

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How To Create An Artful Flower Arrangement With Cannabis

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Over the course of the last few thousand years, the art of flower-arranging has come so far, it almost seems like there’s nowhere left for it to go. But thanks to a burgeoning popular acceptance of cannabis, there’s an entirely new way to decorate with “flower,” and one SoCal-based wholesale cannabis delivery company wants to…

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Hobo Johnson’s New Album Revels in Being the Outcast

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Rapidly-rising artist Frank Lopes Jr., better known as Hobo Johnson, released his sophomore album today. Titled The Fall of Hobo Johnson, the record is a an interesting follow-up to the first recording, The Rise of Hobo Johnson, pursuing similar musical themes while at the same time moving into new terrain. As indicated in the album’s…

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Flashback Friday: An Oral History Of Benzedrine Use In The USA

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For this edition of Flashback Friday, we’re bringing you an excerpt from The Drug User by legendary drug aficionado, Herbert Huncke, originally published in the October, 1991 edition of High Times. Although not as well known as his fellow “Beats”—Kerouac, Ginsberg, Cassady, and Burroughs—Herbert Huncke is just as important. Writer/ junkie/thief/hustler Huncke has been in…

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What’s in Your Stash? Charles McElroy, Founder of Goldleaf

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Is there a Patient Journal in your stash? Perhaps a Recreational Tasting Journal – something to keep track of the many wonderful cultivars and products you sample? How about a record to help you keep track of your daily cannabis protocols? Or, how about a Grow Planner for tracking the phases of your grow cycle;…

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High Folks: Cyo Nystrom Wants to Change The Way The World Feels About Vaginal Health

in Culture

Vaginal health, weed, and sex are three of Cyo Nystrom’s favorite things. As one of the co-founders of Quim, “a self-care line for humans with vaginas and humans without vaginas who love vaginas,” Nystrom’s focus is disrupting western cultures archaic and patriarchal perception of women and their vaginas through cannabis. For years, Nystrom had been…

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